Here at IES we want to make your home entertainment experience a sonic and visual treat as well as keeping it simple to operate. We provide QUALITY CEDIA certified installation, EXPERIENCED design and the VISION to provide for both your current and future needs. Spend some time looking around our site and see for yourself why IES is the leader in the Wood River Valley for all of your electronics needs.
Integrated Electronic Solutions
We look forward to talking to you

The IES team strives to make your system fun to use and easy to operate. Our installers are also owners and each one is CEDIA certified. Your satisfaction is our main goal. We aim to keep you satisifed and to provide for both your current and future needs.

We are certified industry experts and have the knowledge and experience needed to provide top notch installation and design for your next audio or video project. From Business security cameras to a home theater, we can help you get what you want.